By: Yarisel Mendez Limon

September is the month of cancer awareness in which many types of cancers are recognized. There are about 1.9 million people that get diagnosed yearly and over 609,360 cancer deaths in the U.S alone (Cancer Facts). Sadly, some of these cases revolve around childhood cancer. These children do not get a chance to experience life to the fullest without being worried about their illness. Collinsville wants to help these children fight their disease and help them live life to the fullest without any worries. Collinsville High School will be doing a coin drive for childhood cancer beginning on September 17th through the 30th of the month. Anyone can bring change they have and donate it to the school. The school will then give it to the DeKalb County School account to help out the students of DeKalb County. The students of Collinsville High School can bring change to their homeroom teacher. The class that brings the most change will win a pizza party. If the students beat the goal from last year, which was 121lbs of change, they will get an extra prize! All the coins will be picked up on October 4th. We at the Panther Press strongly encourage you to support this cause and appreciate our community's participation.
“Cancer Facts & Figures 2022.” American Cancer Society, 2022,