By: Omar Reyes

We all need help from time to time, whether that be academically or mentally. Sometimes we just don't know what to do or who to turn to. Peer Helpers are students who have been chosen to be leaders to those in need of help, and each peer helper specializes in different areas. Maybe a student needs help with their math homework or they need help finding something on campus. A Peer Helper can try to help to the best of their ability. Most importantly, Peer Helpers specialize in helping students with their mental health. Most teenagers go through tough times in silence due to fear of judgment or trust issues. Peer Helpers keep things one may say confidential unless it reaches a point that a trusted adult needs to be involved. The Peer Helpers are just other students as well and they get the struggle so the Peer Helpers can lend a non-judgmental ear. One may also just need someone to listen to them or one may need a fresh perspective.
Regardless of the need, Peer Helpers are ready to help. Everyone goes through their own storms, it's just like a hurricane, your storm may have just now started or yours might've just ended and you're cleaning the damages it left behind. You could also be in the eye of the storm where it is quiet and calm with a few winds and you're scared of what is coming next, but you don't have to deal with it alone. The Peer Helpers understand times are tough, especially with school, work, sports, or just life in general, but no one should have to deal with it alone. Reach out to one of the Peer Helpers. Just look for a blue Peer Helper tag, or ask one of your teachers to point you in the right direction. My name is Omar Reyes, and not only am I a Panther Press member, but I am also a Peer Helper and I will try my best to help you or point you in the direction of another Peer Helper that can. As Aristotle said “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” Don't focus on the bad, but focus on the good and always remember, despite everything going around you, breathe and keep going. Then the next time you need help, reach out to a Peer Helper, because we are here to help out peers.