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Staff Member of the Month: Mr. Thrash

Writer's picture: Collinsville  NewspaperCollinsville Newspaper

By: Yarisel Mendez Limon

Mr. Thrash was voted as the staff member of the month by 6th-12th grade students at Collinsville High School. The Panther Press interviewed Mr. Thrash to find out how he felt about being chosen as staff member of the month. He replied, “I'm very happy. It definitely put a smile on my face. It feels nice to know that the kids here at Collinsville don't hate me.” Mr. Thrash has been working at Collinsville for six years. He and his now fiancé, Mrs. White, are the sponsors for the cross country team. 

Panther Press asked,  “If you were trapped on an island with only one coworker who would it be and why?” He said “I am going to assume I can't take my fiancé, so, I am going to go with Mr. Williams. He is an extremely chill guy, and we seem to share similar interests. We both like history and reading. He's easy to talk to as well. He's also a superb person. He was the first person to welcome me to CHS when I stepped on campus in 2019. He showed me the ropes around here.” Panther Press learned that Mr. Thrash’s favorite part of his job is sharing his favorite pieces of literature. It's so cool seeing how students react to literature and seeing what they take away from it.” Upon asking students at CHS they 100% agree with that statement. Mr. Thrash went on to explain his least favorite part of the job is, “ convincing high school students they should capitalize their name and end a sentence with a period ... .Oh and charging their Chromebooks.” 

During the interview we learned that Mr. Thrash loves seafood, reading, and supporting the Collinsville Panthers in all of their sporting endeavors. His favorite band is Moon Taxi as he explained that their music helped him through the pandemic. 

 Panther Press asked Mr. Thrash what quote he felt described his outlook on life and he said, “Before I do anything, I ask myself, would an idiot do that? And if the answer is yes, then I  do not do the thing” -Dwight Schrute.

  Panther Press interviewed different students and learned that he is well loved by many. Joanna Vicente stated, “He is a very good teacher. He has a lot of patience with us when we need help.” Another student, Kylie Marcum said, “He is a really good teacher. I like him. He actually takes time and puts effort into what he's teaching. Mr. Thrash is very passionate about what he does and likes to see his students succeed in life!” An anonymous student from CHS told us, “Mr. Thrash, in my opinion, is one of the most genuine and powerful teachers in this school. His teaching skills are amazing and he motivated me to reach my dreams and to never give up.” It is obvious Mr. Thrash has a calling for his profession and we are so glad he is here at Collinsville High School! 


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